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  • Writer's pictureYash Rajput

Flight to Utopia_Jeremy Till

Architects have always been in search of utopia. How could architects ever propose utopia? Some believe it as a fantasy ( which they want to pursue) and for some it is reality (where they invent keeping the present in mind). So what If it would be a dialectical duality, between Utopia of spatial language ( where form is emphasized enough to generate possibilities or alternative with a will just to create and transform) which transforms cities into architectural cities of futuristic forms [ eg: ZAHA HADID, FRANK GEHRY, LE. CORBUSIER] or should it be Utopia of social language ( more of an inventious attitude to the same spatial and temporal context) keeping the present society in mind and acting accordingly onto it. Creating an utopia of reality.[eg: BV DOSHI, LOIUS KAHN].

And if all feel, that the Utopia of social language should be followed then why is it important ? Shaping/making a spatial language could help explore unique and unimaginable forms by just creating and transforming it and creating buildings of inspirational forms, which the world is still waiting to see and have a awe at it ?

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